Sunday, October 18, 2009

Three wonderful weekends.

Oct. 4, we had our best attendance ever: 153. Every week the worship team is doing an excellent job in helping us come before the Lord in praise. We had five baptisms: Geo, an 11 year old sweet little girl, the youngest child of a couple we met 8 years ago. The whole family came to know the Lord thanks to Marriage Encounter in 2002. It was touching to see her parents in the water baptizing her. Leticia, whose son (a rock band player) became a Christian a couple of years ago. He and I were in the water burying her. Jorge, a "vallenato musician" (typical Colombian music) who came to the Lord after a series of relationship failures. Marisela, Jorge's girlfriend, from El Salvador, who after some years of confusion finally saw the light. And finally, Maribel, whose husband Alec helped me baptize her. She was very pregnant. Six days later she gave birth to her third daughter.
We are delighted with our new house, Anaheim First Christian Church, the baptistry, the changing rooms, the warm water, the people, the 10 to 10.30am fellowship time between the congregations. We thank the Lord for this blessed stability we, as a congregation, are enjoying.
Oct. 11, we ended our Marriage Encounter weekend witnessing two couples giving their lives to Christ. It was a marvelous weekend sharing with couples and serving them with the love of Christ.

Oct. 18, I started preaching a Craig Groeschel's series of sermons entitled "Truish". Today I preached on "What is Truth". Four people surrendered to the Truth, among them a Guatemalan young couple new at church from Marriage Encounter.
Did I tell you about our good worship time? It is so inspiring to see this very white guy with very English names (Sean Grace) leading our very Spanish congregation in praise, followed by the band, a very big Mexican at his side who worships with such a passion with his guitar, three beautiful girls who praise God with devotion, one of them plays the base, and two other guys in guitar and drums.
In summary: happiness in serving the King of kings with such a great group of people.