Sunday, September 20, 2009

My grandaughter getting ready for the Worship band.

Rin learning her first song with Grandma. from Fernando Soto-Dupuy on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our first Agape-Anaheim united celebration

Dear Friends:
We had a wonderful first service today. 50 of them and 80 of us (remember it is a long weekend and some people are still on vacation). From now on, it is no longer them plus us, it will be Agape-Anaheim. We had two challenges, 1) be a united Hispanic church, and 2) be also one church with the English Speaking congregation. For that we had a common entrance into the building as well as name tags, refreshments and greetings between 10 and 10.30am. English service people went to the left into the worship center, and Hispanics walked to the right into the fellowship hall to become one church worshiping in two languages. Everything went very well. I preached on the first sentence of our church purpose "Love God". At the end of the sermon I made an altar call. I saw more than 20 people praying up front. At the end of the Lord's supper, when we were praying and reflecting on Jesus' love for us, more than 100 people from the English speaking service came into our service, surrounded us and sang a welcoming song in Spanish. It was hard to hold the tears.
Our offering was the highest in our history ($ 2,500.00) which, according to Hispanic standards is high. I know it is still low compared with the English speaking churches, but for us is a WOW!
Here I forward a note I got from our AFCC bilingual office manager:
"Fernando, WOW! It was such a blessing to have become one church today! The greeters were fabulous! Please share that with them. The music was great! Everything finally seemed like one church. I know we have a long way to go but today was VERY, VERY encouraging to me. Please pass this positive feedback with your congregation. God is good! AMEN!!"
Thanks for your prayers and support.