Tonight Carnivals, around the world, will be over. Since all the people have dedicated four days to feast, parade, play, dress fancifully, and dance frenetically just before the beginning of a period of reflection and renewal.
Carnivals trace their origin to pagan festivities in honor of the Roman gods, especially Bacus, the wine god. Many definitions have been used for the word “carnival”. Some say it means “farewell to meat”. Others believe it means “carne vale”, or meat is still allowed. Some have said it comes from “carrus navalis”, Naval Carriage, used to praise gods at a parade at the beginning of the sailing season.
For us, Christians, our interest is fixed in Lent, which is a period that the church, since the 4th century, enters into an expectancy of Easter. It is a time of renewal and reflection, a time to practice abstinence and fasting.
Think for a moment in those things you are doing or practicing in excess, things that need to be moderated by the power of the Holy Spirit. I invite you to come into a period of renewal aiming to correct them.
Here at Anaheim First Christian Church, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday. We will meditate on those 40 days that marked Moses, Jesus and Elijah’s lives. We, ourselves, will also look to have a deeper encounter with our Lord during these six weeks before Resurrection.
We will use the word JOY: Jesus first, Other next, You last.
In my personal case, for instance, regarding Jesus, I will promise to be more disciplined in my daily reading of the Bible and stop whatever I am doing at 12 noon for a time of prayer and praise.
Regarding OTHERS: I will promise to take special care of 7 leaders that are under my mentoring care.
And finally, regarding myself, my body, I will limit my internet time to one hour per day (excluding e-mailing).
Now, on fasting, I am tempted to give up tea for Lent (I drink at least five cups a day). Maybe I will commit myself to abstain from eating caviar, lobster and Don Perignon champagne during Lent. Well, if you laughed at that, then give me fresh ideas.